
Warning about scary goofy chain letters! –


A new chain letter, also known as “Creepy Goofy,” targets children and young people and tricks them into doing dangerous things. More about it here!

Creepy-Goofy chain letter with a list of dangerous tasks

Creepy Goofy spreads not only via WhatsApp, but also via Instagram and TikTok. The sender is a profile called “Jonathan Galindo”, which shows a mixture of a scary clown and the Disney character Goofy. If children accept the request, they receive a link to a website with a list of dangerous tasks that the kids have to complete within 50 days. Like the Momo chain letter, the tasks start harmlessly, but eventually become very dangerous and can lead to injury or even death to the children.

Who is behind the pseudonym Jonathan Galindo?

It is not yet known who is hiding behind the pseudonym Jonathan Galindo. Copycats create similar profiles, causing the dangerous challenge to spread further. In order to get the children to complete the tasks, they are accompanied by threats, which are supposed to happen if they do not complete the tasks.

Warning about scary goofy chain letters!

Momo Challenge and Blue Whale Challenge

The aim of such scary chain letters is to instill fear in children. Parents should therefore talk to their children about such scary chain letters, explain them to them and allay their fears so that they do not allow themselves to be misled.

Two years ago there was a similar horror chain letter called the “Momo Challenge,” in which children were even asked to commit suicide. The “Blue Whale Challenge”, which was supposed to end with the death of the main character, was even more perfidious. The identifying feature here was a blue whale, which the participants were supposed to carve into themselves.

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